Learning, living and relearning

Remember when we used to sit around our grandparents and think about how absolutely wicked some of their stories were? They usually started with “back in my day” or they ended with you repeating them to your friends, family and anyone who would listen because they were just that unimaginable. After the last year andContinue reading “Learning, living and relearning”

a satirical isolation baking extravaganza!

Once upon a time the world as we once knew it was gone (or at least in a totally dramatic way, it felt that way). Businesses were closed, people were ordered to stay a safe distance from one another, and we were all suddenly spending a lot of our time indoors, in our homes. ForContinue reading “a satirical isolation baking extravaganza!”

hello? it’s me, the new normal

It’s officially day twenty-two since I’ve been sent to work from home. The first couple of days felt heavy. This was a different type of adjustment. There was uncertainty, fear and a lot of news to digest. I felt myself become hyper aware of the infection and mortality statistics as the days spent at homeContinue reading “hello? it’s me, the new normal”

new decade = more conversation

There’s something wonderful that happens on Bell Lets Talk day. People all around the world speak up and open up about their experiences – even if it is just for one day. They find the courage to share their journeys allowing others to feel safe. This kind of safety only really generates when a largeContinue reading “new decade = more conversation”

year (of books) in review

Another 12 months have passed and the most telling part about this year is that the first and second halves played out completely different for me. But one thing that remains fairly constant year over year is that I continue to read some pretty kick ass books. Not that I expect anything less from myself, though.Continue reading “year (of books) in review”

~protect your energy~

something i’ve struggled with constantly is not accepting temporary defeat as a catastrophic loss how many times do we console our friends and loved ones for small bumps in the road and proclaim “not to worry about it?” how many times do we accept other people’s minor faults without thinking twice, but as soon asContinue reading “~protect your energy~”


As a kid I used to play this sort of hypnotizing game, Where we used to take turns lying down with our eyes shut; and focus on the words of the other person. — “I’m taking out all of your bones and blood and filling your legs with rocks and boulders, rocks and boulders, rocksContinue reading “rocks&boulders”

be kind to yourself

We believe that being cruel to ourselves is a self-preservation tactic. We pick out our flaws because we are survivalists by nature. We have an itch to be aware of what other people could deem unworthy and insufficient. So we dwell on every possible flaw someone could rip apart and use against us. But it neverContinue reading “be kind to yourself”

choose happiness

Is happiness a choice? Indeed, often times happiness is a choice you make. It’s the end-goal of everything we do. It’s why we pray, get married, go to college, slave through tiresome days at the office, endure heartache, buy into fads, and move through (the sometimes unbearable) woes of everyday life…  and more importantly, it’sContinue reading “choose happiness”

Free yourself 

In a world where communication is so easily facilitated, if that special person isn’t talking to you, they simply do not want to. Simple. That goes for platonic, family and romantic relationships. Why is it that we make excuses for the ones we care about, but never have excuses made for us? Why is itContinue reading “Free yourself “