Gender bias in schools 

Maybe I’m the only one who has noticed or maybe no one else has a blog to write it on, but there is a significant number of males in my program in comparison to the females. Significant. Not to say that the numbers are detrimental to either sex in any way, it’s just sometimes the gender biases can become discouraging. Where’d all the girls go? Is my program just more appealing to men? Or do more men, as a whole, go to universities. Whatever the answer, sometimes it’s a little frightening. 

THAT WAS OF COURSE, until I realized that the less girls there are, the more opportunity I have to prove myself. Prove that I can be here, and confidently too. Cartography and geography does not have to be a statistic – does not have to demonstrate working and learning inequalities. Cartography and geography can be gender neutral. 

I hear so often that men are scrutinized in everyday society’s and to the same degree as women. Regardless of the degree or the severity it is up to men to realize and abolish their inequalities- not punish women for taking the first step to their liberation. 

Ever heard of the tragedy of the commons? If you have, keep that definition in mind. If you haven’t, don’t fret, I’ll post it here shortly. 

The tragedy of the commons is an economic problem in which every individual tries to reap the greatest benefit from a given resource. As the demand for the resource overwhelms the supply, every individual who consumes an additional unit directly harms others who can no longer enjoy the benefits.

Now keep that in mind when thinking about feminism and equality among the sexes. Equality and equity should be demanded equally, at all times. However, unfortunately it isn’t. It’s like we battle for who deserves it more – who needs it more. The tragedy of the commons is just that. A resource – a lifestyle- only one of us can have, which is completely wrong. For feminism to work, it must be demanded and given to both sexes. 

There is such a mantra attached to men’s rights, which I completely disagree with (even though sometimes it may not seem like it). 

Rant over! 

One thought on “Gender bias in schools 

  1. Excellent point, the best any woman can do is the be independent, forth right and strong. Form strong female attachments and friends, males as well, although sometimes that proves harder. Strive for the stars that is what we must instill in every female out there!

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